How to Fit Exercise into a Busy Schedule
If you are like me and have a busy schedule each day, finding the time to workout can be a bit of a pain! For me, it has become second nature and I include my workout as part of my daily routine, however if you are just starting out this can take a little time to get used to. One of the first things you need to remember is that if you want to succeed in your exercise plan, you need to make it a priority.
It is super easy to cancel your workout because you are running late, have something come up or feel tired, but if you keep doing this then you won't achieve your fitness goals. Here are a few ways to fit exercise into a busy schedule.
Wake up a little earlier. Yes you heard it, you are going to have to set your alarm a bit earlier than normal, which will allow you to cross your workout off the list first thing in the morning. Another helpful tip with this is to have your exercise gear ready to go beside your bed. Stick with it, trust me! It gets easier and eventually becomes a part of your morning routine.
Not a morning person? Pencil a quick workout in during your lunch break or right when you get home. If you have a half hour or hour break for lunch, grab your sneakers and go for a quick walk around the block or if you are working from home get a quick training session in. Doing something little is better than doing nothing at all. Not only are you getting some exercise in, but it can rejuvenate you mentally as well. If you have stairs at your workplace, take them everyday instead of the elevator, and bust out some squats during your breaks! Just move your body!
Exercise while watching TV. Be an active TV watcher! Let’s be honest, there are days where all we do after work is go home and watch our favorite TV show because we’ve had a long day. So when you have settled down to watch TV, make sure your sneakers are on for some “ad” exercise. When the commercials start, make a point of doing some pushups, squats, jumping jack, side lunges.. you catch the drift! Doing a little bit with each commercial break can truly add up! Or if there are no commercials, pick a word during your show and every time you hear it do a specific exercise. Another tip is to keep booty bands, resistance bands or a mat near the TV to remind yourself to move!
Xoxo, MK